Leatherman Supertool 300

As mentioned in my blog article “Evolution not Revolution“, I have not awaited the arrival of any multitool with as much anticipation as this one for a long time. The Leatherman Supertool 300, is a very basic, no frills multitool, and within a few weeks of it’s launch, already some have expressed concern about cosmetic blemishes, blades being to tight to open etc.

Fortunately, my pre-owned tool seems to suffer from none of the problems that others have reported, and any scratches or blotches concern me not one bit……..

Leatherman Supertool 300 Leatherman Supertool 300 Leatherman Supertool 300 Leatherman Supertool 300

You see, the Supertool 300 is not about being pretty or aesthetics at all, it’s 100% about function. Being the latest in Leatherman’s line of “professional use” tools, and marketed towards tradesmen rather than enthusiasts, this tool is more about being big, strong and used. Hard.

You’ll find no scissors or manicure files on this tool, just hollow ground drivers in common, standard sizes, 154CM wire cutters and other “serious” tools.

For years now, my tool of choice for jobs around the house, car and garden has been the Leatherman Core, and when I learned that Leatherman were thinking of retiring it, I was starting to organise campaigns and petitions until I heard about the replacement.

Leatherman Supertool 300 Leatherman Supertool 300 Leatherman Supertool 300 Leatherman Supertool 300

The Supertool 300, is the 4th tool in the Supertool, Supertool 200 and Core line of extra large Leatherman multitools. My early thoughts are that Leatherman seem to have retained the best and dispensed with the worst of what has gone before.

My love of the Core, was based on the performance of the tools, how easy they were to access, how comfortable it was, and my confidence when really torquing a rusty screw, and nothing else. A 4.5″ tool is bigger than I wish to carry around, so cosmetic considerations don’t matter to me, I just want it to work.

Happily, the Supertool 300 , not only maintains these Core qualities, but through some simple (maybe even obvious) innovations, has improved upon them.

The phenomenon of clumping (i.e. the tendency for tools to clump together when pulling a tool open), is a much debated benefit (or drawback) among multitool users. Myself, I have always appreciated the help that clumping gives you when trying to extract smaller tools like the can opener, but found that the blade coming out when you don’t want it can actually be quite painful if you don’t concentrate.

The Supertool 300 employs an ingenious (yet actually very obvious) solution to this dilemma, using strategically placed washers to allow the smaller, central tools in each handle to clump, thereby aiding getting the tool you want, without engaging the larger, peripheral tools like the PE clip point blade, the serrated blade, file and saw. I predict a lot fewer mishaps with this tool whilst fumbling for a driver whilst at the top of a step ladder!

Leatherman Supertool 300 Leatherman Supertool 300

Two further improvements are the replaceable 154CM cutters, and a cut-away in each handle to allow easier access to the main blades, for example, when wearing gloves.

Cutting electrical cable with the Supertool 300, is as easy as I’ve experienced, due to the enhanced 154CM cutting blades, whilst opening the blades has never been simpler.

In summary, the Supertool is not revolutionary, but seeks to continue the evolution of the classic Supertool line. I actually appreciate the new innovations, as I have experienced the issues they seek to fix in older models. I’m pleased that Leatherman listen to their customers, and are committed to developing their multitool range

For the time being at least, this is exactly what I was hoping for, and this tool is going to get plenty of use.

6 Responses

  1. Pingback: Evolution, not Revolution.. | mtblog.org: the ramblings of a multitool collector...

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